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Mc Donalds Drive Thru Rap(smooth version) - Komentáre

Mc Donalds Drive Thru Rap(smooth version)

Mc Donalds Drive Thru Rap(smooth version)

TEXT: I need a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce Don't be frontin' son no seeds on a bun We be up in this drive thru Order for two I gots a craving for a number nine like my shoe We need some chicken up in here In this dizzle For rizzle my mizzle Extra salt on the frizzle Dr. Pepper my brother Another for your mother Double double super size And don't forget the FRIES......Crispy!!! Kategória: Zábava | Pridal: Curlyman | Zobrazení: 1755


0 - 2

SonoPool | 22:13, 15. máj 2007
Počet hodnotení 0   + -
Vaša odpoveď
Curlyman | 17:58, 14. máj 2007
Počet hodnotení 0   + -
battle jak sa patri :D
Vaša odpoveď
Meno a heslo
Automatické prihlásenie
