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2pac - Changes - Komentáre

2pac - Changes

2pac - Changes

peace.............. Kategória: Hudba a tanec | Pridal: Curlyman | Zobrazení: 1305


0 - 15

tominko52 | 12:35, 11. september 2008
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no---------------pozerajte---------------2pac je zivi lebo wem to lebo na youtube je​pitva na ktorej nema makveli tato na krku a on ho tam mal istoooa foto nebola niako​zmanipulowana ani otocena lebo jak v bol v base tak sa premenoval na makeveli a​makaveli bol basnik ktory oklamal svoju smrt pred ludmi v 25rokoch............tupac​mal na poslednom albe 13pesnicek a zomrel 13...basnik makaveli sa objavil 18rokov po​svojej smrti tak ze ked tupac bude mat43 zjavisa vazne werte​tomuuuuuu.......................podporujte to takze aj makaveli sa zjavil v 43​takze.a tu foto co ukazala pitva mal aj v california lowe co spal stou zenou a​zavolal mu dree.....a vtedy tuuu tato este nemalll taze ludia otvorte ociii prosim​vaaas otvorte ich a verte tomu tupac bude opat na west side....wazne werte tomuu on​je wazneeeeeeeeeeeee ziviiii..... werte tomu wazne.........2pac 4ewa to neni fejk co​som napisal wazneee prisaham ..........sak dajte na youtube....2pac autopsy je​zivy vazneeeeeeeeeee.......isto .......
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KULL | 22:09, 6. jún 2007
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2pac budes zit v nasich srdciach navzdi.Keep the faith in me.I will not let you​down.Nikto ma nesudte pravo nato ma len boh.LOVE 2PAC
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zuziacik19 | 22:01, 5. jún 2007
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hmmm..ja nepocuvam RAP....ale toto poznam dost dobre...a je to​supeeeeeerrrrrrrrr....:)))mam ohromnu radost ze je to tu..:))))
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ZuZuHKM17 | 16:51, 3. jún 2007
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ja tak milujem tuto pesnicku...TUPAC R.I.P. bol to uzasny raper a clovek
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Winer | 10:41, 3. jún 2007
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legends 2pac sakhur legeng one king z najlepsich 2pac maj sa tam hore dobre
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sirmisoturb0 | 22:21, 1. jún 2007
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este, podla mna sa to da oznacit za Evergreen!
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sirmisoturb0 | 22:20, 1. jún 2007
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najlepsi song vobec, krasny text, podmaz 2x taky. respect pred nim, aj ked je mrtvy​:(((( skoda takeho rapera ako bol on. THUG LIFE!
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Curlyman | 16:10, 31. máj 2007
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Citajte zdola hore sry... :D
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Curlyman | 16:09, 31. máj 2007
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Curlyman | 16:09, 31. máj 2007
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And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace It's war on the streets​& the war in the Middle East Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs so the​police can bother me And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do But now I'm​back with the facts givin' it back to you Don't let 'em jack you up, back you​up, crack you up and pimp smack you up You gotta learn to hold ya own they get​jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone But tell the cops they can't touch​this I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this That's the sound of my tool​you say it ain't cool my mama didn't raise no fool And as long as I stay black I​gotta stay strapped & I never get to lay back 'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the​pay backs some punk that I roughed up way back comin' back after all these​years rat-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh
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Curlyman | 16:09, 31. máj 2007
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We gotta make a change... It's time for us as a people to start makin' some​changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change​the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to​do what we gotta do, to survive.
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Curlyman | 16:08, 31. máj 2007
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I see no changes all I see is racist faces misplaced hate makes disgrace to races We​under I wonder what it takes to make this one better place, let's erase the​wasted Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right 'cause both black and​white is smokin' crack tonight and only time we chill is when we kill each other it​takes skill to be real, time to heal each other And although it seems heaven sent We​ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh It ain't a secret don't conceal the​fact the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks But some things will​never change try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game Now tell me​what's a mother to do bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you You gotta operate​the easy way "I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way sellin' crack to the​kid. " I gotta get paid," Well hey, well that's the way it is
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Curlyman | 16:08, 31. máj 2007
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Come on come on That's just the way it is Things'll never be the same That's just the​way it is aww yeah
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Curlyman | 16:08, 31. máj 2007
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Come on come on I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself is life​worth living should I blast myself? I'm tired of bein' poor & even worse I'm black my​stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch Cops give a damn about a​negro pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero Give the crack to the kids who the​hell cares one less hungry mouth on the welfare First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal​the brothers give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other It's time to fight​back that's what Huey said 2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead I got love for my​brother but we can never go nowhere unless we share with each other We gotta start​makin' changes learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers and that's​how it's supposed to be How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me? I'd​love to go back to when we played as kids but things changed, and that's the way it​is
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mephisto | 13:30, 31. máj 2007
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jedna z najlepších pesničiek vôbec...peace
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