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Neidentifikovaný lietajúci objekt UFO nad Bulharskom v roku 2003. - Komentáre

Neidentifikovaný lietajúci objekt UFO nad Bulharskom v roku 2003.

Neidentifikovaný lietajúci objekt UFO nad Bulharskom v roku 2003.

Tento objekt bol nafilmovaný v Bulharskom meste Blagoevgrad niekedy ráno v roku 2003 o 7 hodine a 12 minúte (ak bol ten čas v kamere správne nastavený). Podľa informácii, ktoré sú na http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case1027.htm, toto UFO nafilmovala nejaká žena, ktorej tento film zobrali Bulharské úrady ale našťastie mala odloženú kópiu filmu a tak sa im ho nepodarilo utajiť. Kategória: Veda a technika | Pridal: Kybernaut | Zobrazení: 2701


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vrrrr | 17:38, 23. máj 2008
Počet hodnotení 0   + -
jj potom som si všimol hneď :D..
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Kybernaut | 00:51, 20. máj 2008
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prrrr vrrrr, musím ťa znova pribrzdiť ako koňa, neponáhľaj sa zase tak. Siriuse​je tentokrát v nevine, musím sa ho zastať. Čo nevieš čítať? Veď tam v​komentári jasne píše, že "co sa tyka tich fotiek". On tam v komentári nepíše o​tomto videu z Bulharska ale o fotografiách z Rumunska, o ktorých som písal v dvoch​komentároch 20.12.2007. Takže ešte predtým, ako tu začneš urážlivo na niekoho​štekať, si poriadne prever, že o čom je tu vôbec reč.
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vrrrr | 19:35, 5. máj 2008
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siriuse?? ty chceš povedať že ten objekt je oblak??????? toto nemožeš myslieť​vážne?? omg vám to absolútne už ozaj jebe? prirovnávate tu objekty ktoré sa​pohybujú velkou rýchlosťou vo výške niekolko kilometrov k taškám a balónom a​oblakom šak buď vám to už totálne jebe alebo sa rozšírila nejaká pandémia​demencie.. krista keď už niekto povie na objekt hladkého tvaru s leskom a odrazom​pohybujúci sa nezávisle od oblakov v pozadí že to je oblak tak buď si absolútny​kkt alebo ano
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Faith121 | 21:10, 14. apríl 2008
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toto vyzera vazne realne.je to aspon cez den a zmizne to podobne ako vo videu ked je​nafilmovane ufo pri WTC.
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Siriuse | 10:28, 24. december 2007
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co sa tyka tich fotiek moze to byt hocico ja sa najviac priklanam ku sosovkovemu​oblaku altostratus lenticularis nema to kovovu farbu skvor farbu oblakov a osvetlenie​sedi
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Kybernaut | 01:32, 20. december 2007
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Novinka: Jeden amatérsky fotograf odfotil niečo zaujímavé v Rumunskom meste​Cluj-Napoca iba nedávno v nedeľu 16. decembra 2007. Tu je jeho výpoveď v​anglickom jazyku: " I am an amateur photographer. I've been taking photographs​seriously for 20 years and was attempting to photograph a view of the city with the​snow on the rooftops. I normally use a tripod but inadvertantly left it at home. I​took a shot from a elevated location above the city looking south-east. I then​repeated the shot as I felt I hadn't leveled the horizon adequately. The 2 shots were​taken 16 seconds apart, hand held at 1/13 of a second on a canon eos300d digital​camera. It wasn't until I got home and uploaded the images onto my computer that I​saw the object. I normally adjust coulour, contrast and remove any dust spots at this​stage. I enlarged the image to 100% and was surprised at seeing a strange shape above​the distant buildings. It's not a dust spot. I have a lot of experience removing dust​spots and this isn't one. It wasn't a speck on the lens as it wasn't present in the​preceding or following images. It's not like any bird I've ever photographed...
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Kybernaut | 01:31, 20. december 2007
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...There's no detail to it. Also the way the light reflects is lightest on top and​the right, and shaded on the bottom and left consistent with the position of the sun​and lightest part of the sky. It was mid afternoon in winter, the sun, the light​source was in the clouds out of frame to the right. On enlarging the object it​appears cigar or oval shaped with no hard lines. By the contrasts of light and dark​compared with those on the ground, given that it's a hazy winter day, it appears to​be over the far side of the city. If it were a bird nearer the camera it would be​darker and have more shape. Also about 5-10 minutes after the shot was taken an​aircraft operated by Romanian airline Carpatair landed at the local airport​aproaching from the right and landing to the left on a flightpath that took it over​the center of the scene and through where the object was moments before. I would be​interested to know if they or the airport saw anything. I don't know if it was a​'spaceship' but it is definitely unidentified and unexplainable. "
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